Taiwanese Gourmet Culinary Workshop 台灣美食廚藝講座 Sunday & Monday, May 21 & 22
– Learn to make special Taiwanese Cuisine for Memorial Day Weekend!
Chef: Cathy Lee 李怡君, 高雄餐旅大學副教授
Assistant Chef: Mr Liao 廖昱翔, 同德家商餐飲教師
Host: Taiwan Chamber of Commerce of New England – Greater Boston
Taiwan Youth Chamber of Commerce of New England
Sunday Workshop: May 21, 2017, 2-5pm
Place: 99 Chestnut Hill Ave, Brighton, MA 02135
Spiced Steamed Sticky Rice 五香蒸油飯
Pepper Beef Bun 台式胡椒餅
Taiwan Style Pickled Cabbage 黃金漬泡菜
Fee: $20
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taiwanese-gourmet-culinary-workshop-sunday-may-21-tickets-33960966164
Monday Workshop: May 22, 2017, 2-5pm
Place: 108 Oak St, Newton Upper Falls, MA
Scallion Multi-Layers Pancake 手工蔥抓餅
Salt & Pepper Fried Chicken 鹽酥雞
Distiller’s Grains Minced Pork 臺式紅糟肉
RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taiwanese-gourmet-culinary-workshop-monday-may-22-tickets-33981872696