11th TCCNE-Greater Boston Bowling Tournament 4/2/2017

Host:Taiwan Chamber of Commerce of
New England – Greater Boston

Sponsored by Brian Hatleberg of Washington
Trust Mortgage Company LLC

Time: Sunday, April 2, 2017 at 9:30 am,
Game starts 10:00 am to 12 pm

Location: Town Line (781) 324-7120, 665 Broadway, Malden, MA 02148



for more details of other alternatives




Susie Hsu 617.923.1810 Email: susie@move2boston.com

Jack Yang 617-642-8233 Email: jackyang322@gmail.com

Lu Ouyang 617-763-0708 Email: lu.ouyang@gmail.com

Registration Deadline: March 26, 2017 

Fee: 2017 New Member FREE, Non-Member US$30, Existing Member US$20, includes 3 games fee, shoe rental, lunch and award

Lunch Only: US$10 for non-bowler

Format: 3-4 persons a team, each person plays three games. Please have your team name ready when register